Oct 30, 2015

Irresponsibility - the Mr. Toast Card Game by Dan "Mr. Toast" Goodsell

Mr. Toast, Dan Goodsell, recently launched an Indiegogo to fund the creation of "Irresponsibility the Mr Toast Card Game". For the last 6 months or so, Mr. Toast has been working on creating the Mr. Toast Card Game. With Table Top games becoming more and more popular, thanks to Kickstarter, Hasbro Gaming Lab actually launched a contest to find the "Next Great Game". Mr. Toast decided to enter his game and out of over 500 entries, the Mr. Toast Card Game was chosen as one of the 5 finalist. To collaboration with Hasbro Gaming Lab, Indiegogo became the crowdfunding platform which will play a role in deciding the winner of the contest. The 5 Indiegogo campaigns will end on December 1, while the Grand Prize winner will be chosen by Hasbro on December 3rd. The Grand Prize Winner will be awarded $10k and a trip to Hasbro HQ to help make the party game become more of a reality. For all those who read this, take some time to read Mr. Toast's Indiegogo campaign and make a pledge to the campaign. If funds are low, why not just spread the news and help get the campaign in front of as many eyes as possible. With several reward tiers, there is something for everyone, in addition to copies of the card game. Good luck to Mr. Toast and hopefully people from all around the world will be playing the Mr. Toast Card Game in the near future.

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