Sep 23, 2015

Custom Geek Wok Show by Ume Toys at DCon 2015

For sometime now, people have been seeing some WIP pieces featuring Geekwoks, a cute resin creation from Ume Toys. Well, there is going to be a show hosted by DKE Toys, held at Designer Con 2015(November 21-22). Featuring 21 different artist takes on the Ume Toys Geek Wok, the list of artist will definitely have a wide range of final pieces. Already using the Hashtag #customgeekwok, artists have been hard at work putting his/her spin on the cute creature. As the show gets closer more completed images will start to popup. In the meantime, be sure to follow the Hashtag #customgeekwok, as well as all of the artists listed in the image below.

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