Apr 10, 2015

ToyConUK 2015 WIP from PJ Constable

ToyConUK 2015 is only a few weeks away, on April 25th, in London. Artists and companies are gearing up, getting everything ready before the event comes around. Artist PJ Constable has been busy sculpting and casting some ideas, while also creating an idea for a print. PJs latest WIP pics include an army of cast Caterpups, a cast version of an original sculpt and a print with a yet to be decided size. PJ is also working on some custom Munnys, among other pieces that he will have for sale at ToyConUK2015. PJ Constable has definitely grown as an artist in the few years he's been active in the scene and hopefully PJ has a successful convention, so everyone can see more of his work. Expect more information to be released as PJ finalizes paint applications and other projects he is working on for ToyConUK2015.  

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