Apr 24, 2015

Reimagining MoonFox Show by Sergey Safonov

Sergey Safonov recently held a Toy Art Show called "Reimagining MoonFox". Featuring custom MoonFox toys and paintings, the show revolved around having artists recreate Moon Fox in his/her own vision. Most participating artists created custom 3D pieces inspired by Moon Fox, while a few created paintings. There are many pieces still available from the show, so be sure to take a look at the website and check out all the amazing pieces submitted by all the artists. On the show recap website, visitors can check out a nice video montage and all of the pieces submitted by artists, with background info on each artist. Everyone should check out the page and spend a bit of time reading. Sergey also created a Moon Fox kit, which people can purchase for $19.95 plus shipping from Crazy Label, to customize or keep as is. Great work by everyone involved.

Here are a few pieces from the show. Be sure to check out the Show Report website for all the remaining pieces and video montage of the show opening.
Fox Spirit - Holly Astral

The End of the Man - $140 shipped worldwide
MoonFox Snap Kit - Available through Crazy Label

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