Apr 22, 2015

A ton of Skelevex for ToyConUK 2015 by DMS x Alto

Alto and DMS are bringing a bunch of geometric skulls, Skelevex, to ToyConUK2015. Everything from £10 Mini Stone Death Skelevex to a "Pay what you want" Dead Presidents Mystery Edition Mini Skelevex. Not only will they have the Mini Skelevexes, but custom Midi Skelevexes will also be available which are 3.5" in size. There will also be one-off customs by DMS, Jon-Paul Kaiser, Jessica Esper, and RunDMB. For those going to ToyConUK 2015 should be sure to stop by the DMS x Alto booth and check out all the great customs and creations. Also, for those who can't make ToyConUK 2015, some wire versions of Alto's geometric designed pieces are up for purchase on Shapeways, here.

Full Size Skelevex Custom by DMS, £100

Full Size Skelevex Sithlord Custom by DMS, £150
Full Size Custom Skelevex by Jessica Esper, £175

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