Mar 26, 2015

The Loyal Subjects to be distributed by Bluefin Distribution

I realize that this post may be outside the scope of what you are used to reading on the Tenacious Blog, but I am committed to creating the most full-spectrum reading experience for you with the greatest variety of art toy industry info. And what you usually see gracing this blog are the final products on the market, created either by indy artists or produced in factories by larger companies. What you might not think about as you see those images is the back end process behind getting those items to market. It's a long, complex process that isn't often talked about with the consumer.

That's exactly why I'm posting this "industry" info - to expand your knowledge of what goes into the release of a new toy.

I've been watching and cheering from the sidelines as Jonathan Cathey and his team have taken The Loyal Subjects brand from limited release art collectibles through the murky and convoluted waters of licensing. Murky and convoluted to me.... but apparently, JC has a knack for such navigation.

We've been stocking the TLS art toys for several years, but lately JC has signed big deals and gotten his licensed products into MAJOR retail outlets, a natural evolution for the TLS brand. Some might argue against licensed toys in general, but you have to admit, even some of your non-toy-nerd friends still own a TLS Ninja Turtle or FunkoPOP Big Bang Theory figure. These items have mass appeal, and thus do well in big-box stores. And I am arguing that this expansion is GOOD for our community, as it certainly sheds a light on the art toy concept in general, and that has a trickle-down effect for the super indy, super limited, super artsy art toys.

The occasional Target toy buyer eventually becomes the next person to commission a $800 OOAK figure from an indy artist. That's good for all of us: shops, consumers and artists.

So any move that enables The Loyal Subjects to streamline their operations and focus on producing more great collectibles is a good move in my book. Hence, my republishing of their most recent newsletter blast:
- Benny Kline

We, at The Loyal Subjects are pleased to announce - The Loyal Subjects have entered a Distribution deal with Bluefin Distribution

Bluefin Distribution; most well known for their Japanese Partners and Imports from celebrated Brands like Bandai's Tamashii Nations, Square Enix and Capcom have partnered with The Loyal Subjects to Distribute ALL TLS offerings.  What does this mean?  Simple - You, our most valuable component and lifelong members of the TLS family will get a great full service experience. 

Bluefin has great Customer Center, Great Service and will deliver your orders on time.  Meanwhile, TLS will continue to build our Brand Statement, Narrative and the wonderful, exciting and fun products that you all have come to love from The Loyal Subjects.  Items incorporating some of the greatest Brands and Licenses that we all love! 

In a nutshell, our time at TLS is now freed up to make sure we keep the imagineerium running at full speed; including more releases, more licenses, better experience at the store level, bigger store footprints and more shelves so more customers can find our products in their cities!  The ACTION VINYLS Program is building fast.  More releases, more Exclusives, better quality, better experiences and more features!  We are also incorporating more apparel components, more accessories and more diverse product offerings so we can accent your lifestyle and be a bigger and better experience at Retail. 

The Bluefin Distribution partnership will allow us to keep the fires stoked and more importantly, YOU STOKED!  It's all bout you, each and everyone of you and that is our biggest priority when approaching our product. 

Design, Vision, Fun, Excitement, Cool, Interactive, Playable - All fundamental components to our ethos.  It's time to build TLS 3.0 under the same enthusiasm that Willy Wonka built his factory.  We're shooting for the same results, but don't expect us to build a laser/ray that can de-molecularize any carbon form and transmit it to your family's TV set!  Because we can't do that yet.  Yeah, I know, we all have our limitations.

Let's keep making great ideas happen!

Jonathan Cathey
The Loyal Subjects, LLC

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