Feb 5, 2015

REVEALED: Nerviswr3k's The Inner Child figure in red retailer colorway

We are super excited to support our friend Nerviswrek in the release of his first production toy! Our buddies over in Jersey, SubUrban Vinyl, have produced this figure in a few different colorways. The first one you might have seen on this blog was our Tenacious Toys exclusive blue colorway.

But now we can reveal the "retailer" colorway which is available to all toy retailers: the red colorway pictured above. So the colors are as follows (each having 125 pieces released for sale):
  • Red - retailer
  • Blue - Tenacious Toys Excl
  • Green - SubUrban Vinyl Excl
  • 4th colorway - produced but not yet announced
I'll be revealing more info soon about The Inner Child- they are already here in the US and a release schedule is being established. Each figure retails for $45. More info (like release dates) coming soon. Yes, we will be stocking some of the red colorway in addition to our blue ones, so you will be able to order both and save on shipping.

We also got a sneak peek at the packaging, which I'm super stoked about it as it features an illustration by Nerviswrek's brother Brown Whale!

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