Feb 24, 2015

Kickstarter: Mythic Legions Action Figures by Four Horsemen Studios

Four Horsemen Studios has created another Kickstarter to get a new batch of fantasy action figures created, called Mythic Legions. With a little more than 2 weeks left on the campaign and around $20k left to reach the goal, it's time to really push and get the word out. Nothing really explains this Kickstarter better than the video and Kickstarter page, so watch the video and head on over to the Kickstarter page to take a look at all the amazing figures. There are a ton of figures and add-ons, so make sure to look at everything available.

 Here is a picture to provide a sense of scale for the Mythic Legions figures.
Scale for Mythic Legion Figures from Four Horsemen Studios

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