Feb 18, 2015

Kickstarter Exclusive 4" Tween Maddie figure announced in last hours of Four Horsies Kickstarter

early mockup of the Kickstarter Exclusive green 4" Tween Maddie figure

With 12 hours to go in the Four Horsies Kickstarter, Bigshot Toyworks has announced some awesome new figures as Stretch Goals: after hitting the $90K mark a few days ago, Bigshot committed to putting an entirely new sculpt- 4" Tween Maddie - into production. Tween Maddie is available, currently, only through the Kickstarter (link below) at $25 each.

Tween Maddie is available in original painted purple colorway, Glow in the Dark and Spirit World clear, to match the colorways of the 6" Maddie figure and the Four Horsies figures.

Like the Four Horsies (also 4" figures), Tween Maddie is being offered to KS backers in an exclusive green color variant that will NOT be available online to buyers who did not back this Kickstarter. Click the link below to read the full update:

Four Horsies of the 'Pocalypse collectible art toy figures by Tenacious Toys — Kickstarter

Below please find all the Add-Ons that have been revealed through the Stretch Goals:
  • Four Horsies Ghost Kickstarter Exclusive variant figure (+ $20)
  • Four Horsies Raven Kickstarter Exclusive variant figure (+ $20)
  • Four Horsies Calamity Kickstarter Exclusive variant figure (+ $20)
  • Four Horsies Clash Kickstarter Exclusive variant figure (+ $20) 
  • 4" Tween Maddie original color (+ $25)
  • 4" Tween Maddie GID (+ $25)
  • 4" Tween Maddie Spirit World clear (+ $25) 
  • >>NEW<< 4" Tween Maddie Kickstarter Exclusive figure (+ $25) 
  • ALL FOUR 4" Tween Maddie figures listed above (+ $90)
  • Aquavelvet Custom Painted Blue/Purple 6" Maddie (+ $250)
And of course, KS backers can Add On a few assorted pieces from the standard set of items that BSTW was already planning on producing (or have produced) for Kickstarter. Those items are:
  • Four Horsies 4-pc button pack (+ $10)
  • 15" Four Horsies wall graphic (+ $15)
  • 5-pc wall graphic set featuring 6" Four Horsies and 8" Maddie graphics: (+ $20)
  • Four Horsies mug (+ $20) Four Horsies wallet: (+ $25)
  • Four Horsies t-shirt: (+ $25)
  • Four Horsies full color, laser etched wood iPhone case: (+ $45)
  • Maddie 6" figure original colorway: (+ $55)
  • Maddie 6" figure GID: (+ $55)
  • Maddie 6" figure Spirit World Clear: (+ $55) 
  • ALL THREE 6" MADDIES: (+ $150)
  • Four Horsies laser-etched skate deck: (+ $60)
  • additional Four Horsies original colorway 4pc boxed set: (+ $100)
  • additional Four Horsies GID 4pc boxed set: (+ $100)
  • additional Four Horsies Spirit World clear 4pc boxed set: (+ $100)
  • ALL THREE BOXED SETS OF FOUR HORSIES - original, GID & clear: (+ $270)
KS backers can decide what you want from above lists, add their values to their pledge amount, and update the pledge inside Kickstarter to match the total required to cover their Reward Tier selection PLUS the Add Ons desired from above lists.

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