Feb 9, 2015

Custom 8" Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser

Kidrobot's Dunny figure not only makes for creating(or recreating) some cool characters, the figure can also make a nice canvas. Jon-Paul Kaiser's latest custom 8" Dunny features an Irish/Celtic mythological theme. One of the most popular legends is Lugh the High King and Protector of Ireland and Jon-Paul portrays this legend on the Dunny as Lugh battles with Balor the Dread Eye, King of the Formorians. Legend has is that Balor is said to be able to open his eye and have his dread gaze burn whatever is his gaze. To go along with the two adversaries is Oonah Sidhe, Queen of the Fairies, portrayed on the body of the Dunny. Oonah Sidhe is Summoning the power of the Earth goddess through the ancient standing stones to assist Lugh in battle. This is another great piece from Jon-Paul, with the photos taken by photographer Justin Allfree.
Custom 8" Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom 8" Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom 8" Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom 8" Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree

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