Feb 8, 2015

Bigshot Toyworks announces their Stretch Goals for the Four Horsies of the ‘Pocalypse Kickstarter campaign

Having reached and surpassed their funding goal last week, Bigshot Toyworks has been busy creating fun new Stretch Goals for their backers. The first Stretch Goal awarded free stickers and button packs to certain backers. The second Stretch Goal, which has just been unlocked, is the two pictured Kickstarter Exclusive variant figures of Ghost and Raven, with new head shapes, and a special, super-limited Kickstarter Exclusive color variation.

These KS Exclusive Ghost and Raven figures will only be available as optional Add-Ons to backers of the Four Horsies Kickstarter who have opted for a set (or sets) of the Four Horsies figures, or the Maddie Bust reward. Each figure is offered as an Add-On at a reduced price of $20 per figure. Bigshot will only be producing enough in this colorway to satisfy the Add-Ons pledged by the KS backers.

The Four Horsies Kickstarter ends on February 18th so get your pledges in soon!

Here’s the direct link: http://kck.st/1AK6xRg

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