Oct 26, 2014

UVD DCon 2014 Exclusive - Blue Guardians Custom Dunnys by Kool51Designs

Designer Con 2014 is getting close and Urban Vinyl Daily is starting to reveal some exclusives. First up is a custom Dunny series by Kool51Designs, aka Albert Avila, titled "Blue Guardians. Featuring a set of 5 custom Dunnys, Albert sculpted eyebrows, horns and lips to create some unique sculpts. Each sculpted piece was finished off with a mix of airbrush and hand painted details, while 3 coats of automotive clear was used to protect each piece. The automotive clear provides a nice shine. These wonderful Blue Guardians are going to be available For $50 each at Designer Con 2014 through Urban Vinyl Daily's Booth, #901. For all those attending Designer Con 2014, be sure to stop by Booth #901 and check out all the goodies.

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