Oct 28, 2014

"Death Shroud" Custom Dunny set by Jon-Paul Kaiser

Jon-Paul Kaiser's latest completed commission is a nice set of five custom Dunnys titled "Death Shroud". Jon-Paul used a variety of different 3" Dunny base sculpts, from a regular 3" Dunny, to a Huck Gee Zombie and Post Apocalyps Geisha Dunny, as well as a Bjornik and MAD Zombie Biker Dunny. Jon-Paul is able to create unique and individual characters, each with it's own story.

From Jon-Paul: "Death Shroud" is a "team dedicated to learning the secrets to eternal life, through surgery, implantation and cybernetic augmentation". The following is Jon-Paul Kaiser's description of each character:
"The Beast" is a long-term study in the effects of heavy surgery, coupled with a synthesized serum, rumored to be derived from Virus-Z.

"The Beast" - Custom 3" Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
 "Captain Rugen" is the originator of the group, rumored to be hundreds of years old. He is a little more than dried flesh, clinging to the remains of his skeleton, yet he lingers on.

"Captain Rugen" - Custom 3" Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
"Lady Rugen" is the daughter of the Captain, with a seemingly perfect and subtle blend of augmentation and an array of serums.
"Lady Rugen" - Custom 3" Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree

"Madame Tiele" is Captain Rugen's former lover. Over decades, "Madame Tiele" has gradually replaced her body with synthetic implants and organs.
"Madame Tiele" - Custom 3" Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
"Klaus Hammerstein" is Captain Rugen's brutal security enforcer. A warped mutant, who is the only survivor of Captain Rugen's short lived obsession with the irradiation of genes.
"Klaus Hammerstein" - Custom 3" Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
All combined, the group of five represent "Death Shroud". An awesome collection of Dunnys, each with a nice back story. With Halloween in a few days, this group of Dunnys seems quite fitting for the season. As with all of Jon-Paul's work, the wonderful photos were taken by Justin Allfree, with many more shots to be shown on Jon-Paul Kaiser's social media pages.

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