Aug 6, 2014

"Rose and Sky" - Custom 8" McStomp Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser

 It's always great when a collector receives his/her commission from an artist. Not only do they get what could possibly have taken months, but the world also finally gets to see what's been created. One of Jon-Paul Kaiser's latest commissions reached it's destination and now everyone gets to envy this lucky collector. Jon-Paul was commissioned to create a custom based on a Jaeger from Pacific Rim, using a Penelelope McStomp 8" Dunny. Jon-Paul was excited to be able to customize, this already amazing, 8" dunny and he drew inspiration from the "Gypsy Danger" Jaeger. Jon-Paul named the piece "Rose and Sky", armed with power sword and battered shield. As with many of Jon-Paul's customs, Jon-Paul utilized the existing design, accenting curves and hard edges, while having a somewhat minimalistic design. Since the McStomp 8" Dunny also came with a 3" Dunny pilot, this custom would not be complete without a custom pilot. Another great custom produced by the steady handed Jon-Paul Kaiser. As with most customs by Jon-Paul Kaiser, the finished photos were taken by photographer Justin Allfree.
"Rose and Sky" - Custom 8" McStomp Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
"Rose and Sky" - Custom 8" McStomp Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
"Rose and Sky" - Custom 8" McStomp Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
"Rose and Sky" - Custom 8" McStomp Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
"Rose and Sky" - Custom 8" McStomp Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
"Rose and Sky" - Custom 8" McStomp Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
"Rose and Sky" - Custom 8" McStomp Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
"Rose and Sky" - Custom 8" McStomp Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
"Rose and Sky" - Custom 8" McStomp Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
For all of those interested in getting a commission from Jon-Paul Kaiser, the commission list is open and waiting for requests. Get in contact with Jon-Paul Kaiser through his website here, or by emailing Jon-Paul a request through JPK [at] jonpaulkaiser [dot] com.

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