Jul 16, 2014

Latest 3" Dunny Creations from Ian Ziobrowski

Ian Ziobrowski, Nugglife, recently completed some commissions, each using a 3" dunny as the starting base. First up is a Breaking Bad set of 3 figures, 2 different Walters and a Jesse. Each figure is hand sculpted and painted, with some amazing detail on such a small figure. Gone are the signature Dunny ears, replaced with sculpted ears which more resemble that of a human. The two Walter White figures represent both sides of the famous Walter White character, the teacher and the drug lord, while the Jesse figure is just him. It's good to see that these characters were not created using the typical Yellow jumpsuit, but rather using the other recognizable clothing. Unfortunately for those BB fans out there who want this set for themselves, this was a commission.
In addition to the Breaking Bad set, Ian Ziobrowski completed another 3" Dunny commission of Jerry Garcia. As always, the Dunny ears were lopped off to allow for a more human shaped head. This figure is also hand sculpted and painted, which features Jerry in his younger years. Holding a lit torch (not a torch), Ian did a great job emphasizing notable features of Jerry Garcia on such a small scale figure.
For those who are interested in a commission, be sure to hit up Ian Ziobrowski and get on the list.

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