May 22, 2014

We just launched a Kickstarter for the Little Maddie Cthulhu figure by Bigshot Toyworks

Little Maddie Cthulhu by Bigshot Toyworks on Kickstarter
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Kickstarter campaign to fund the production of the Little Maddie 6" collectible figure by Bigshot Toyworks. Little Maddie will be the first figure produced in the Four Horsies of the 'Pocalypse line of collectibles, which is comprised of: Maddie (caretaker of the 'Pocalypse), Raven (famine), Clash (war), Calamity (pestilence) and Ghost (death).

Little Maddie started as a rough 3D render digital "sketch" that Klim Kozinevich posted to the Bigshot Toyworks Tumblr. The concept art got picked up and republished by large websites such as iO9, Neatorama, Geeks Are Sexy and Laughing Squid, and generated a lot of positive feedback. Based on the feedback, Klim decided to flesh out the Four Horsies concept and launch Little Maddie as a Kickstarter campaign to bring her to life.

Four Horsies of the 'Pocalypse backstory:
Twitter: @the4horsies

It’s the end of the world as we know it…or is it?

Meet Calamity (Pestilence), Raven (Famine), Clash (War) and Ghost (Death). They’re the Four Horsies of the ‘Pocalypse (or at least they would be if they could only get their act together)! This next-generation of doombringers are on a mission to destroy the Earth, but to do so, they'll have to beat the likes of Queen Chroma and her rainbow sprite army! Too bad they can’t crack teamwork to save their lives.

Led by Maddie (an older sister type with an affinity for destruction), these would-be Champions of Chaos are desperate to show their parents they've got what it takes to inherit the legacy. Cake and ice cream for eternity? Not if these freaky fillies have anything to say about it!

The rewards levels in the Little Maddie Kickstarter
GID Maddie: limited to 300 pcs
About the Little Maddie Kickstarter:

The Little Maddie Kickstarter is live right now and will run for 30 days, ending on June 19, 2014. Rewards range in price from $1 (for a set of Four Horsies digital wallpapers) to $160 for the Hyper Combo (Maddie, plus a Kickstarter-exclusive GID Maddie, plus a Maddie t-shirt, keychain, sticker sheet set and the digital wallpapers). There are several reward levels in between those.

As with all Kickstarters, no money is charged to the backers' credit cards until after the campaign ends in late June. If the campaign doesn't reach its mark, no money is charged at all. Kickstarters are open to international as well as domestic backers.

The success of this Kickstarter will lead to the production of the other Four Horsies, and the aim is to expand this concept to trade shows, exclusives, apparel, web episodes and, of course, more collectibles toys.

From the buyer's perspective, this Kickstarter functions much like a preorder: The $60 cost of Little Maddie includes shipping. No money is charged at the time of your order. Cards are charged in late June, pending success of the Kickstarter to meet the monetary goal. Once your cards are charged, the money drops into our account and we send the payment off to the factory to produce the Little Maddie figures.

Bigshot Toyworks has already heavily invested in this project, and the tooling masters for the Little Maddies has already been created. So when the Kickstarter ends, there will be little to no delay before the figures go into production.

About Bigshot Toyworks:

Bigshot Toyworks is an award winning creative shop with a focus on the design, development, and production of unique characters, illustrations, toys and art objects. Our work can be seen in national print, and TV advertising campaigns, toy stores, and art galleries around the world. With roots deep in industrial design, toy design, digital sculpting and very close project management, the international team of designers and artisans at Bigshot have a unique ability to create incredibly vivid and detailed works of art that closely represent the heart, soul and vision of their creative partners. Unique understanding of design, a fine tuned development process and the endless drive to pull off the impossible are the driving force behind the studio.

About Klim Kozinevich (creator and producer):

Klim Kozinevich is the Bigshot at Bigshot, with nearly 20 years of experience in character based product design, and the entertainment industry. From developing mascot characters, hand-sculpting prototypes to overseeing production of best-selling toys for mass market, Klim has worked and innovated in every area of the industry. At Bigshot, Klim is the creative lead and oversees all character design and development. As the heart and soul of Bigshot Toyworks, it is Klim’s unique vision and undeniable talents that have provided the company with its reputation for quality, reliability, and innovation.

About Jason Bischoff (writer and concept development):

Jason Bischoff is a writer/creator and 10 year toy industry veteran. Silently managing some of today's most-successful licensed collectible programs, in addition, Jason owns and operates Promethean Works, a guerrilla IP and Story development studio. When not contributing to world-class toy brands, comics and Television Shows, Jason pretends like he's sleeping to avoid the robot-suspicions of others.

About Tenacious Toys (KS manager and rewards fulfillment):

Tenacious Toys is a New York City-based online toy shop with nearly 10 years of experience selling and shipping toys. Benny at Tenacious Toys will be managing the Little Maddie Kickstarter campaign as well as fulfillment of the Kickstarter rewards and any further Four Horsies releases thereafter.

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