May 15, 2014

The Masked Diggler Collab by Splurrt X Devils Head Production

Devils Head Production has teamed up with Splurrt to create The Masked Diggler. With a color pallet chosen and each part assigned out, the collaboration began. Joe from Splurrt painted the Digglers, which are clear purple vinyl with a GID double pour on the inside. Toby, from Devils Head Production, was tasked with painting up the Alavaka masks, which are GID vinyl. Once painting was complete, the two pieces were combined creating The Masked Diggler
The Masked Digglers will be available on Saturday, May 17(says the DHP Blog, even though the graphic says Tuesday the 27th of April) and will sell for $60 each plus shipping. Each Masked Diggler is going to be bagged with a header card and sold at random. At random??? Yes, in addition to the color scheme seen in the pics, there are also a few secret variations which are included in the bunch. As a teaser, you can see on of the Digglers is painted with a green face, rather then the blue. Be sure to head on over and pick up a Masked Diggler from Devils Head Production and Splurrt.

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