Apr 26, 2014


The Bat Man and Robin by One-Eyed Girl
So I was at the Vinyl Thoughts show in Brooklyn, mingling and checking out all the cool artwork when someone from the gallery walked by me and placed a big red dot ("SOLD!") next to this piece: "The Bat Man and Robin" by One-Eyed Girl... a new name, to me at least. This was one of the pieces that all the attendees commented on (along with the cute little blue booby-toucher piece by IROC Toys). I think a few of us just nodded to each other- "yeah, of course this one just sold"- the overall aesthetic was just really well-conceived and the piece has so much character. I love those crinkled eyelids! And the paintwork is so delicate and intricate. Great stuff.

 A little while later I was back standing near this piece again when someone leaned over to take a close-up picture, so I asked him if he was the buyer. No, he said, he was here with the artist! And I turned around and there was One-Eyed Girl (aka Kasey)! Not often that I get to meet new toy artists. Anyway, Kasey is super nice and clearly very talented so I let her know I'd be interested in covering her pieces on this blog.

Here's what Kasey has to say about "The Bat Man and Robin:"
The Bat Man and Robin are a 7" Trikky and a Micro Foomi.  I had a lot of fun making these dudes and proud of the outcome so i hope you can share!

So, here ya go: One-Eyed Girl. Look for more cool customs from her soon!

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