Mar 24, 2014

Season of Spring exhibition by Daniel Rolnik at the Flower Pepper Gallery
The Season of Spring - Flower Pepper Gallery

Daniel Rolnik, The Worlds Most Adorable Art Critic, was on Toy Break Episode 299, showing off some items he is showing at a current exhibit at the Flower Pepper Gallery in Old Pasedena. Daniel Rolnik is an art lover who blogs for many different sites, just so he can reach the appropriate crowd for every type of art genre. The Seasons of Sprint exhibit, curated by Daniel, centers around a neat idea in which Daniel sends all participating artists, an artist pack. Each cardboard envelope contained 2 pieces of quality paper and instructions for the artist to provide original pieces. One piece would be shown in a clear poly bag and header card, while the second piece(hidden behind the first) would be a surprise for the person who purchases the piece. A really great idea and pretty open ended. Some artists decided to forgo the provided paper and instead, create some really cool sculptures. All the pieces in the exhibit range in price from $20 to $200, which is pretty affordable for Original pieces of art.
Andrew Hadle, an illustrator and sculptor, provided 2 amazing sculptures, titled Dog and Duck.
Dog by Andrew Hadle

Duck by Andrew Hadle
An art collective, Salao Coboi, also provided sculptures for the exhibit, both of which can be seen in Toy Break 299. These pieces are pretty amazing and thought provoking to say the least. Salao Coboi started out as mutant art collective, but has since become a solo endeavor for Apolinário Pereira, co-founder of Salao Coboi.
Prince by Salao Coboi

Tony by Salao Coboi
For those able to, be sure to check out these pieces, along with many others at the Flower Pepper Gallery in Pasadena. The exhibit runs now until Friday April 4th.
 Flower Pepper Gallery, 121 Union Street at the corner of Raymond Ave., Pasadena 91103. Hours:  Mon.-Sun., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. The Season of Spring exhibit runs through Friday, April 4th.

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