Jan 11, 2014

Booty Babe Kickstarter

"Booty Babe Art(TM) is one man’s way of expressing his passion for fantasy art, toys, fashion design, and of course the wonderful variety of female beauty. In effect the project is a tribute to the women that make our day, taking the very definition of “Booty Babe” to new levels..." 

After ten years of working as a Toy Designer in Los Angeles, Spencer Davis combined all that he is passionate about a waged his own path. Since then he has realized dreams of self-employment, constructed an office / work space, and over the years has managed to produce and sell over 10,000 of his voluptuous creations.  Surviving challenges of recession, skyrocketing costs of production, and family life, check out his progress as he wraps up the final few days of his Kickstarter campaign, with hopes of producing a 20' shipping container filled with 5 NEW Booty Babe statues to choose from.
The Kickstarter has already reached it's goal which means that the items are guaranteed. In addition they have reached their first stretch goal and are only $700 shy of the next stretch goals. THese are beautifully designed and crafted sculptures and the rewards are amazing. They even include tiers where you can get your own likeness sculpted as a booty babe. Check out the Kickstarter and follow Booty Babe on Facebook.

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