Jan 10, 2014

1000Toys...... Ready?

Not much is known about this new company in the 1/6 world (founded in early 2012), they have a Facebook page and only today just launched their official website - 1000Toys

It seems the company has 2 people at the helm, Design is Tsutomu Nihei and Production is Yuta Tobari, some may recognise the name Tsutomu Nihei - creator of awesome manga Blame! Ive also spoken with Yuta a few times and seems his plans for 1000Toys are game changing.

Why game changing?? Well please take a look at these 1/6 bodies that are not far from production and we can see that we are looking into the future of 1/6 articulated bodies.

I bet you the major players will want to take a close look at the engineering thats gone into this, just to a see how they accomplished the amazing articulation. 

As I mentioned, the official site is up an running but the sale of these bodies don't have a date yet, retail price is $120.00USD - they are as yet not offering these to dealers so the only way to get hold of one is through the official website.

I for one is looking forward to getting hold of a few!

ALSO - 1000Toys will be at the Clash of the Titans show I previously wrote about, so check them out this weekend.

Thanks for reading

Wai Man

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