Nov 29, 2013

NY International Toy Fair Exclusive: 3A's Cornelius Tomorrow King Figure

I am Cornelius.
New York City toy fair 
Tomorrow King Cornelius from 3A Toys.

Well folks here he is! Cornelius TK. He is an exclusive by 3A toys, for the NYC toy fair. Unfortunately for the average Joe buyer, he will be unavailable for sale at This con is closed to the general public and will be open to folks who work within the toy industry only.

With some new clothing stitch ups, a new headsculpt, and 3A's new style swords this guy is looking pretty amazing so far. Usually when Ashley wood decides to do something new with his designs, he goes ahead and puts up a pretty similar variant on I guess in that case all hope is not lost. I am sure the completistst will have their work cut out for them trying to obtain "Corny".

Stay tuned for more developments! :)

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