Nov 6, 2013

DCon: A few Dragatomi Goodies - Booth 300

Dragatomi is going to have a lot going on during Designer Con 2013. In addition to a plethora of high number production toys, Dragatomi is also bringing a few limited edition goodies as well.

First up is a Fujisan Kush edition by Bigfoot, limited to 100 pieces and priced at $90.

A Green Cavey is also going to be available from the Dragatomi Booth, #300, at Designer Con. Limited to 25 pieces, this wonderful little Cavey is a creation of U.K. based artist A Little Stranger. Each one is priced at $25.

Making it's debut is the black Modern Hero Bank by Mad, Jeremy Madl. Priced at $150 and limited to 30 pieces, this 18" tall coin bank has been a long time in the making. A pink version made an appearance at NYCC. Mad will have a signing at the Dragatomi booth Saturday at 11am. Mad will probably be bringing along some Micro Madl goodies, so bring some cash and a sketchbook and show him some support.
All of Dragatomi's Designer Con exclusives can be found here, complete with pictures and pricing. It's likely, that anything not sold at the show, will be made available online soon after DCon.
- Mark-Anthony

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