Sep 7, 2013

Advertise on the Tenacious Toys Blog with Cheap Banner Ads

Cheap Banner Ads on the Tenacious Toys Blog
The fact that you are reading this right now speaks to the effectiveness of banner ads on our blog! If you make art, make toys, produce products in your own home, or simply targeting a creative, trendsetting audience, a banner ad on the Tenacious Toys Blog is for you! Our Large ad spots are SOLD OUT, but we still have some Medium banner ad spots (300w x 125h) available for just $10/month! That gets 25,000 or more pairs of eyes on your banner ad each month.

I guarantee it's the biggest space for the least amount of money.

Plus, you will be supporting a number of talented people in our own industry- aside from Benny, who runs the shop, our team of writers is composed of artists, creators, collectors and even another retailer! Your $10 is split amongst our team of writers. It does NOT all go to Benny.

Pictured above are the $10 ad spots currently running. Yours would appear among them- the order of the banner ads changes every time you refresh so your ad will definitely be on top a good portion of the time.


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