Jul 23, 2013

Design a Dynomighty Wallet, Get Sales, Get Paid, Go Global!

Dynomighty Wallet design by SENaspace
Dynomighty Wallet design by SENA

Dynomighty Announces their "Artist Collective" program, designed to encourage submissions of new designs for their MightyWallet Tyvek wallets. Tyvek is that crazy material the USPS uses in their Priority Mail packaging. You can print on it like paper, but it doesn't tear.

Artist Collective is a creative channel where up and coming, developed, or masters of the fine arts can produce a MightyWallet® of their own design. Artists from around the globe have joined in and started sharing their art to inspire others...not to mention create an amazing wallet! Once the artist's design is approved they can choose to launch it immediately or save it to coincide with a show or event to help cross-promote. It puts the power of promotion into the artists hands.

Once the design is launched, there is a 30 day window in which they will need to have 30 backers support their design. If the wallet design clears the 30 by 30 challenge, the wallet will go into production. Any and all backers will receive the wallet. A few of the most successful designs will be offered to over 1600 stores across 66 countries around the globe. So not only do you get to create a wallet of your own design, but if your design clears the 30 by 30 challenge, it will be seen around the globe.

This unique project is part of Dynomighty's commitment to encourage art and design. Founded by an artist, Dynomighty has and always will support art, artists, and those that choose to Be Mighty!

Dynomighty Wallet design by Alisa Yang
Dynomighty Wallet design by Alisa Yang
So here's the thing: if you're an artist, and you are ALREADY producing artwork in various forms to sell online, you should DEFINITELY take advantage of this program to get products with your art on it distributed around the world. Worldwide recognition is NO JOKE. As an artist it should be your main goal, if you hope to support yourself on the sale of artwork alone. You're gonna have to sell both original art, and products like this with your art printed on them, in order to make it.

And you KNOW I would never push you to do something that's a waste of time. Money MUST be the end goal.

Basically the program works like this: go here, click on CREATE, and upload your design. From that point you have 30 days to get 30 people to pre-order your design. That's as easy as a little social media work, or blogging work, or an email blast to your mailing list (because you DO have a mailing list, right?). MightyWallets are $15 at retail- super cheap for customers. If you have a mailing list of 300 people, and you might get 10% to spring for it, you're golden.

You can see this process in action here, where buyers would browse designs.

OK so once you get 30 of your people to back your wallet design (it's like a mini 30-day Kickstarter), your wallet goes into production. Your backers pay and get theirs and ALSO you get 15% of the profits generated by the sales of your wallets on the Dynomighty site.

ALSO, the most successful wallet designs are offered up at wholesale to Dynomighty's impressive network of retailers in 60+ countries!

To sum up: if your design goes through, you get MONEY and GLOBAL RECOGNITION. What the hell are you waiting for?

Go find Dynomighty on their website, Facebook and YouTube.

Dynomighty Wallet design by ieatcoffee
Dynomighty Wallet design by ieatcoffee

Dynomighty Wallet design by hero
Dynomighty Wallet design by hero

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