Jun 3, 2013

Brandt Peters Sketchbook: Muse No.1 - A Kickstarter Project by Circus Posterus

Circus Posterus has joined the Kickstarter revolution to fund the creation of Muse 1, a 140 page limited edition sketchbook of works by Brandt Peters. This particular sketchbook will focus entirely on Brandt Peters' process, vision and ideas. The project started earlier today, is already picking up steam and will run for 30 days, ending on July 3rd. Various rewards include: a PDF version of the final sketchbook for a $5 pledge; packages which include signed hard copies of the final book for pledges starting at $24; even some custom Skelves which vary in size depending on the pledge.

With more than 79% of the overall funding goal already reached, this project looks like it will be fully funded in a matter of days, if not hours. Whether or not you are a person who agrees with Kickstarter as a funding platform, this project by Circus Posterus (along with others) is great for the Art Toy world. So, be sure to check out all the available rewards and if possible, make a pledge. Keep in mind that money is only exchanged after the funding time has expired and only if the project is fully funded.

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