May 15, 2013

Son of Nor - Cast Magic Using Your Brain (with EPOC Emotiv)

Pretty amazing: gaming using your MIND as a controller. Next level shit that our kids will take for granted but will blow your mind for a while. Check out Emotive.

stillalive studios, creators of upcoming game Son of Nor today announced a groundbreaking partnership with the makers of Emotiv EPOC - a revolutionary personal interface for human computer interaction; a Brain Computer Interface (BCI). The partnership will allow players to control character actions, such as telekinesis, terraforming and magic with the power of their minds.

A video of the game in action using Emotiv EPOC can be found here

Son of Nor, which has recently launched on Kickstarter ( to raise $150k to fund the completion of the games development, is the brainchild of Julian Mautner, CEO of stillalive studio, and has been in production of over two years with developers from all over the globe investing their time and expertise.

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