May 16, 2013

Bert the Beaver and his Wooden Labbit Home by Bash

Awesome Munny Munth entry by Bash...

Bert the Beaver was fed up with the river after a tsunami destroyed his dam. He decided to move to the woods.

After a long walk he came across a huge garden full of pink berries, strange wooden statues and a old house. The wooden statues looked like petrified creatures. He found all sorts of creatures: a giant rabbit with big hands, a little troll with a jackalope on his back... but then he found it...

He found his new home!

Bert carved a hole in the giant wooden labbit and made some furniture for his new crib.

The new house is so amazing, it even has its own supply of berries growing for the backside! But there are two things that he doesn't understand: Why are all these creatures turned into wooden statues and who lives in that old house?

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