Mar 12, 2013

"The Seer, circa 1886" by DeeTen

Amazing 7 inch Munny from DeeTen and the great can grab it in his store!

The Seer was a menacing robot discovered during the Expedition of 1886 into the parallel world. While our explorer were touring the 13 great cities they happened upon what appeared to be a ghost town while on route to Netro City. The town was deteriorated and resembled the abandoned western towns of our world, the only difference being that people still lived here. The residents were noticeably paranoid when our travelers conversed with them. Before answering any questions they always said they needed to ask the Seer first. Our first encounter with the seer was not worth noting, just simple parlor tricks. However, the town locals were caught in its strange "ability" to predict the future. It seemed that whatever it said the town would follow. The people would go from dancing wherever they walked to not making eye contact with each other for days on end. Our explorers had seen this type of trickery in our world before and quickly put an end to their suffering. They smashed the robot and disabled its voice box to stop it from trapping the citizens in an illusion of false predictions. The people of the town were frightened at first, not knowing what might happen since the machine could no longer tell them what would keep death at bay. our team and its guides left the town, taking the remenants of the seer with them. This only showed them another example the seemingly harmful motives of New Alexandria.

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