Mar 9, 2013

Shapeways API release...what does that mean?

Shapeways released their API (full article) and it's kind of a big deal.  Here's a quick run down of why that is:
  • First, an API (Application Programming Interface) is basically a piece of computer code that lets two programs talk to each other in a way that both of them understand.
  • Using the Shapeways API you could make an app, program or website that people can use to send things to Shapeways (without having to go through their site) and then it gets made and shows up on their doorstep!  AMAZING!
So what does that mean in the real world terms?  Well, uh, money for one.  There are about 8,000 Shapeways Shop owners and they made about $500,000 in profits last year.  Now that is for shops that are on the Shapeways Shop site which is a good place to start but...what if you made a site where people could (for example) make custom little dudes and dudettes and have them appear in the mail a few weeks later?  

Someone already answered that question and I think it is a great case study for some of the possibilities that the wide release of this API opens up.

Mixee Me was started by some Yalies (full disclosure, I do know one of them personally - Hi Nancy!) and in essence, the site lets you mix and match parts, then get it printed and mailed to you.  This is objectively awesome and the interface that they have come up with (using the Shapeways API) is dead simple but allows a tremendous amount of flexibility by giving you the option of uploading designs.

That is the "now".  My brain is still spinning with the immediate future possibilities for toys that are not only bigger (or smaller), better, faster, stronger, cheaper but custom, exactly what you want and when you want it!  What do you think?

This article only really scratched the surface of what is going on in this realm so stay tuned for more articles on this (and tangentially related) subjects coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ahren! :D If you need any help w/ the API or want to do some collaboration with us, just give me a ring!!


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