Mar 2, 2013

Cig Neutron designer sculpt soaps from Bizarro Au Go-Go


Cig Neutron is a Sculptor I really like(love) following on Instagram @cigneutron , not only because he makes amazing sculpture for clients or gallery exhibition, but also because he curates a project called Bizzaro Au Go-Go  that gets my gross monster art motor running.
So when I saw his newest little Cigaratt creature scultpures, it reminded me of designer resin toys;
Except, it turns out this litte fella (and his friends here) aren't resin pieces afterall- they're soap! Cig Neutron's fantastic sculpting and casting makes these pieces nice enough to display- not just hang out beside your sink. But, they're down for that too! ;)
Cig Neutron has more work viewable here, and takes commission inquiries at

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