Feb 18, 2013

The Wizard Triplet by Bash Projects

Amazing new Dunny's from Bash Projects. Freakin awesome story too!!!

Jacky had two brothers: Chrispy and Frosty. They were a magical triplet... they were all wizards from birth.

The triplet went to the same school for years and learned the same magic. But Jacky found an interest in a different kind of magic, he wanted to become a Voodoo Priest.

His brothers didn’t believe in voodoo and they thought he was stupid to go in that direction. They bullied him, called him names and even tried to put some spells on him. But everything they did to Jacky only made his magic grow stronger and stronger...

One day he had enough with all that bullying and punished his brothers! He shrunk them and banished them to horrible places.

Frosty was banished to the freezer and is known as “The Ice Cream Wizard”.

Crispy had to live the rest of his life in the oven and is called “The Flame Grilled Wizard”

Jacky “The Voodoo Priest” is their master now and he makes sure they don’t cause any trouble.
. - Bash

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