Feb 5, 2013

The 2nd Avenue Trading Card Convention

February 16th, 2013
7pm to 11pm
at Toy Tokyo Underground
(91 Second Avenue, NYC)

This second annual event will feature trading cards galore,
including the just-released The Art Hustle Series 3, Buff Monster's Melty Misfits,
Suckadelic Suckpax, Sidekick's My Father's Record Collection and Curiosity on Mars,
as well as many other oddities, rarities and cardboard delights!

There will be beer courtesy of Beerlao!
There will be beats courtesy of The Crystal Pharoah!
There will be a sketch card table with event exclusive sketch cards!

Special appearances by The Sucklord, Buff Monster and L'amour Supreme
and who knows who else may show up!

Sidekick Lab will be in full effect, live printing and personally stamping cards with an exclusive
gold stamp commemorating the event (one card per pack purchased, buyers choice!)

**Don't sleep on this. It will be a trading card bacchanal!**

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