Feb 25, 2013

Camilla d'Errico Custom Android & Live Painting

A couple of weeks ago a Work-In-Progress photo surfaced of pop surrealist contemporary painter Camilla d'Errico working on a custom Android. She has finished the piece- and what a charming little girl she is! Bright blue eye a-twinkle, Camilla's signature traditional media style is very present when she, infrequently, paints designer toys.
Getting to watch Camilla paint on toys or canvas is mesmerizing- and Camilla will be live-painting at Emerald City Comic Con Fri Mar 1st in The Baltic Room 9:30pm. Hosted by outstanding female SuperGeek Molly McIsaac, artists David Mack, Carl Faulkner, Mark Brooks, Rebecca Watts, Camilla and many more will be live-painting into the night. The pieces the artists create will then be auctioned at ECCC the following day to raise money for Seattle Children's Hospital.

If you're attending Emerald City, or in the Seattle area, you can find Camilla d'Errico at ECCC Artist Alley booth#B15-16 where she'll be celebrating a new Charity Print Release and her brand new Artbook release from Darkhorse Comics.
Find more of Camilla's artwork on her website, Facebook, Instagram @camilladerrico , Twitter @Helmetgirl or e-mail inquiries to info@camilladerrico.com

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