Feb 4, 2013

All Stitched Up by Carson Catlin

Another hottie for the Art Without Borders show, this time from Carson Catlin!

All Stitched Up was created for the "Art Without Borders" show being put on by Art Whino. The challenge was to create something based on a medical theme. My choice was to use the 8" dunny platform with the iconic red cross on its head. The cross was extracted along with all the other pieces. A coat of red paint inside with a bright white exterior followed along with a medical theme. To tie it all together I used red thread and reattached the red cross from earlier. One my favorite pieces. It will retail at $600.00 USD (a portion of the proceeds will go to Doctors Without Boarders) at Art Whino on February 23rd.
For more info please go to:
Art Without Borders

Follow Carson Catlin here:
      - Don P 

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