Jan 9, 2013

To Bee Dead - Liver Failure

 Look at this awesome job from Loaf Ninja...

Here is the next toy we are launching, It features artist Loaf Ninja and will be released this Friday (1/11/13) at 12pm est for $125.00. on www.MoreThanSunshine.com

Florida street art blog MoreThanSunshine.com is teaming up with Orlando based artist Loaf Ninja to release his new custom toy titled "To Bee Dead- Liver Failure". It is a one of a kind 3" Munny created using acrylics and super sculpey. This Munny is based off his current series of paintings, "To Bee Dead". The series came about when he stumbled upon a quote from Albert Einstein, “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination … no more men!”

"Liver Failure" woke up to the realization that the bees had all passed away. He then took to drinking, heavily, until his liver gave out and he too seized to exist.

You can purchase "To Bee Dead-Liver Failure" this Friday on More Than Sunshines shop page here at 12pm est.

MTS Crew

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