Jan 25, 2013

Kagekuro-ling custom Kuro by Shadoe Delgado

Kagekuro-ling drops the booty! Move over and make some room, Shadoe Degado got his hands on a Camilla d'Errico 6.5" vinyl Kuro and the Shadow-ling transformation came naturally. Kagekuro-ling rocks a pair of antlers and an even bigger jangly booty- and looks pretty pleased with himself.

These are Camilla's vinyl Kuros, limited edition and long since sold out. Kuro is the devil character in Camilla's graphic novel Tanpopo, now published by Boom Studios!

The Kuro form resonated especially well with Shadoe's aesthetic and sculptural sensibilities. The Tilted a-symetrical posture gives Kuro, and his custom variations, a sculptural and animated feeling. We get a good sense of Kuro's inquisitive up-turn from behind.

And head-on, the mask lends itself well to Shadoe's preference for wide-set eyes. If you're interested in Shadoe's work, drop him a line at shadoedelgado@gmail.com

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