Jan 10, 2013

Frank Kozik's "Redrum"

Frank Kozik posted this picture on his facebook mid-December. These Redrum resin hedgehogs are said to come out early January and, well, it is early January so keep your eyes peeled for these six inch Heathrows. They are limited to thirteen pieces and each sport a clear ax. Even though they are named "Redrum" (murder backwards) the swirls of red and the adorable hedgehog shape just makes them so darn lovable. They are priced at $120.00 a piece, plus shipping. Whenever these do go up for sale you will be able to find them here. I am a fan of Frank Kozik's Heathrow figures because it's different from the normal mass produced toys such as labbits and busts and so on. (although I am a great fan of all of that as well) You can tell it's handmade, you can feel the seams along the side and the bottom is rough but it makes it unique and a piece that stands in your collection with pride. 

1 comment:

  1. These really are great! I was so glad to hear that Frank was going to start pouring his own resin and departing from the recent norm of his labbits and outsourced historical busts. He's too talented to fall into the trap of banal familiarity.


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