Jan 15, 2013

Cleopatra Mist Bot, Circa 1886 by DeeTen

Another awesome steampunk piece (Ghost Girl) from DeeTen, in his typically style. Really dig the mask and of course the tubing!

The expedition of 1886 into the parallel reality recorded their encounters with these mist bots. While our expedition was touring the 13 great cities of the other realm, they came across the city of Cleopatra. The city seemed to appear out of the mist of the mountains that surrounded its valley location. When one arrives at Cleopatra they are given special vision devices that allow its user to see through the thick fog as if it were not present at all. Our travelers marveled at the thought of a city constantly shrouded in mist so thick the actually boundaries of the city are those of the fog that engulfs it. A poor man of ours actually found himself incarcerated for bottling up some mist as a keepsake. While touring the magnificent gold spires and towers our explorers came across these mist emitters. They were seen floating about through the streets and gathering around buildings releasing mist at a constant slow flow rate. When asked about what purpose they filled, the people of Cleopatra shrugged, rather comically in fact. Old folklore of the city tells that they were present when the city was constructed. In fact, they are the machines that provided the thick mist that blankets the city in moisture. The mist also protects the city from the unusually high concentration of solar rays that bombard the area. The citizens of the city gave the machines no attention, which we presumed normal for their society. However, our expedition was teaming with ideas about what a machine such as this could promise. Several of these bots were given to our expedition as gifts for the betterment of our world. This particular bot returned with us to our reality, fully functional, until the portal between the worlds closed. At that moment the bot fractured and crashed to the ground, as well as all of the other technology brought over. All attempts to reanimate the bot have failed.

This piece is now available at deeten.storenvy.com

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