Jan 7, 2013

Christopher the Cursed Rabbit by Bash

This guy is coming like a comet into the customizing scene. I have to say that I love the effect that he gaved this PAW. The berries are a nice touch on this custom, it gives something extra to look at. I personally hope that he will use this style on more customs, with some more things to look at like leaves, animals and characters. I also love the fact that this custom tells a story, here it is...

Christopher loves to eat pink berries out of the garden of the witch. The witch had enough of him stealing the berries and cursed him in the worst possible way: she turned Christopher into a wooden statue and now uses him as storage for the ripe, sweet berries..

Bash is having a unique style and I reckon that he will be busy soon with commissions. When you are interested in a custom from Bash than hit him up here.

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