Dec 19, 2012

Custom Groper Being Auctioned to Benefit Victims of Sandy Hook Shooting

 This custom-painted resin collectible is being auctioned on eBay by a guy named Eddie Ortega. The platform is the Groper, which was created by Rich Fournier (Triplikid). 100% of the money raised from this auction will be donated to United Way of Western CT.
Rich writes:

This incident hits particularly close to home for me, both literally and figuratively. I live about 10 minutes from Sandy Hook elementary, and I have a son the same age as the Children in those classrooms who had their lives taken from them far too soon. My Son's school was in immediate lockdown, and initial reports had put a second person of interest heading into my home town. And while those reports were incorrect, thankfully, the panic and helpless feeling is not something anyone should feel.

I am lucky that I can go home and hug my children extra tight, and tell them how much I love them.

Please, consider supporting Eddie's effort to make a small difference, and bid on his customized piece.

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