Sep 17, 2012

Uncle Argh Noirs released to public on Sep 19th

Missed out on backing our Kickstarter to fund the Uncle Argh Noir Exclusive Mini Qee? Well, fear not: the remaining stock of Argh Noirs will be available for purchase on our website on Wednesday, September 19th at 9AM EST.

I don't have a direct link yet, but I will put up the item on our homepage so you can just go to and click right thru.

I wanted to wait till my international backers have received their Argh Noirs... last week I saw that backers in Europe had begun to receive theirs (thanks Instagram), so I thought this week was a good week to get them up for sale.

I also sent a really hella lame formal press release out to the bloggers to they could post about it as well. Spanky Stokes was complaining on Twitter that we always wait to send press releases too late... so I was like "Well, I better send a press release to make Spanky happy..." I think he was referring to NYCC-related press releases, but it's a good practice anyway so I sent it.

It'll be hilarious. Can't wait to see who posts the PR. Why do I feel like that is an old-skool way of releasing info?

The graphic in this post will be one side of our NYCC postcard, by the way. Oh, and if you wanna follow us, we are @tenacioustoys on both Twitter and Instagram.

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