Sep 21, 2012

Coolvader Mega Munny Raffle!

Look at this awesome project from Coolvader!

I'm very excited to share my most recent project with all who appreciate my work.
The Mega Munny Raffle...

I'm creating a new dunny army with a minimum of 30 participants, and a max of 40.
$100 per person, multiple entries allowed. All shipping paid for.
The purchase enters you in the raffle, with the chance to win one of the following:

1st prize: monkey mega munny

2nd prize: (four winners) 4" version of the monkey on a mini munny

3rd prize:
(25-35 winners): 4 mega monkey prints and a 3" dunny, (one of three fully detailed designs.)

I consider the monkey to be the finest work I've ever done on a Kidrobot figure.
I spent countless hours on it, in what was truly a labor of love. Tons of people have been interested in purchasing it at the Kidrobot store in NYC, where it's been on display for over a year. However, the price point has always been too high. It is my hope that this project will give people the chance to add this one of a kind piece to their collections in an affordable manner.

When you are interested leave a message on the Kidrobot Boards or contact him through his site!

Follow Coolvader here:

     - Don P 

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