Aug 16, 2012

Shadoe Delgado's Shadow-lings (semi-NSFW for art weiners)

Shadoe Delgado is a San Francisco based artist, working on an ongoing series of work called "The Shadow-lings".  His Shadow customs are based on fine art pieces which incorporate Ego, Personae, Masks, and Shadows as subject matter. The toys tend to be a little more light hearted and more colorful compared to the artist's ceramic pieces. [ed. note - Do yourself a favor and cruise through the ceramics section, there's some really intense work there!]

Pictured is the 4"  "Miniboss" (5th in the Shadow-ling series).  Unfortunately he has already sold, but you can find his companions at Delgado's shop -

From the artist:
With this piece I had a lot of fun playing around with the antlers and building up washes on the mask. I also introduced a new medium(crackle paste) and I'm really diggin' the way it looks and plan on incorporating it into future pieces. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the the piece.
Shadoe maintains a blog at

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