Jul 15, 2012

Custom news from JFury

One month we did not hear a thing from JFury. Finally we know why. He was in his dungeon sculting and painting all these great customs. Really love the diversity of all the used platforms. My personal favorite is the Mad JuJu 10 inch MadL, what is yours?

Mad JuJu MadL, 10 inch

 Chuckles, 3 inch Dunny

Clown voodoo doll, 3 inch Dunny

 Gooju jungle boy, 3 inch Dunny

 Droids for Dragatomi SDCC blindbox, 3 inch Android

 MF Doom, 7 inch Munny

Black and white, 4 inch Munny

Bub Giveaway, 4 inch Bub

JuJu totems, 5 inch orignal resin figures

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