Jun 2, 2012

Why Big Wheels Have Stood The Test Of Time...

Big Wheels are still as popular today as they were back in the Ye Olden Times. But to find out why they have stood the test of time so far, Sara Dawkins from NannyPro wrote a very interesting article on the Top 10 Reasons of why. I will only reveal number 10 which is, "most parents these days had a Big Wheel trike when they were young and want their kids to have the same enjoyment. The nostalgia surrounding these toys has helped contribute to their continued popularity." To find out the rest of the Top 10, please click HERE!
(Benny's note: I rocked my Big Wheels so hard when I was little that wore out the front wheels on 2 of them. My Dad seems to be really proud of that... he still tell stories about that, 30 years later.)

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