Apr 5, 2012

Tenacious Toys Blog featured on Blogs of Note

In perhaps my most reflexive blog post ever, I am blogging that Blogs of Note ("Interesting and noteworthy Blogger-powered blogs, compiled by the team") has noted that our blog is noteworthy. I'd also like to note that Blogs of Note has blogged a note that the Ume Toys blog is noteworthy. Blogs of Note is a blog running on the Blogger platform, like this blog, and is written and compiled by the Blogger team.... I'd like to thank the Blogger team for the recognition and incoming traffic. I am sure my sponsors and the artists I blog about are happy to know that my efforts are being recognized.


  1. I would like to say congrats to that, and also like to add that this is how I found you're blog!!

  2. Thanks JD! Glad you found my blog! Sorta cool when you blog away for a while and people finally start taking notice.

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