Mar 14, 2012

Scott Tolleson discusses our Uncle Argh Noir Kickstarter on Toy Break

Every week, George and Ayleen invite a special guest onto the Toy Break couch to help them out with the show, give their honest opinion on the issues and toys discussed, and generally look pretty. This week, our friend Scott Tolleson played First Mate on the Toy Break couch for episode #207.
Like the conversational ninja he is, Scott managed to sneak in a plug for our Kickstarter project to fund an exclusive colorway of Scott's Uncle Argh Mini Qee. Thanks Scott! 

You can watch the full Toy Break episode here, and you can donate to the Kickstarter here. Shipping is included for all rewards/pledge levels, whether you opt for a sticker pack ($5 pledge) or the full-on Scott Tolleson custom toy package ($500). No additional shipping fees for international backers.

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