Mar 5, 2012

'Nam Dunny Series by DCAY

'Nam Dunny Series, originally uploaded by DCAY574.
Matt "DCAY" Melville sends us images of his newest work: the 'NAM Dunny Series! 
Matt writes: 
I'm an artist from South Bend, IN (real close to Chicago). I have a background in graffiti and other forms of art. I have been customizing since 2007 and I feel that I am ready to show my stuff to a bigger audience now.
The fist pics are of my newest series 'Nam, a set of four 3" Dunnys. If I get enough positive feedback or if people what another one, I will set up a "draft" and enlist new troops.
To see more pics of this series, and other work by DCAY, click here.

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