Feb 13, 2012

Love is Dead custom Munny by JFury

JFury send us this sweet custom 7" Munny he's calling "Love is Dead":
My favorite part of this custom is the skull taking the place of the heart says Justin
This custom is for the I Love Munny Show at the Rusted Nail Gallery in Mesa, AZ.

If you like JFury's customs, why not enter to win one? 
It's easy:
Click here and go to his Facebook page and LIKE the page. Find the post I posted there- the picture of his El Cucuy custom Munny- and leave a comment under on the pic of El Cucuy. 
That's it! You're entered to win! 
We'll allow comments all week until Friday night, at which point Justin will tally all the comments/entrants and pick a winner! 
(One entry per person- multiple comments are appreciated but won't get you multiple entries)

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